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Ready to Boost Your Business to £5K Months?

It’s tough when:

➡️ You don't have much time.

➡️ You don't know where to start or what to focus on.

➡️ You need someone to keep you on track.

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I'm here to help

For £11, The Business Boost to £5K Months will teach you three fundamentals to making more money

➡️ No matter how busy you are.

➡️ Even if you have no clue what to start on first.

➡️ Whether all you need is someone keeping an eye on you to make you accountable.


Take a closer look @ the dates...

💪 Day 1 - Tues 24th September at 10am (BST)

💪 Day 2 - Wed 25th September at 10am (BST)

💪 Day 3 - Thur 26th September at 10am (BST)

Hosted by Claire Hill,
Founder & CEO at Claire Hill Ltd & The Vivid Business Club.

"But I don't have time to learn more stuff I never have the time to implement!"

I completely get it!


When I started my business almost six years ago, my son was just 3 months old and any spare moment, even the short 15 minute nap times, had to be used in an efficient and productive way, so I could get stuff done!


But I went on to leave my career as an assistant headteacher and scale my product based business, Vivid Wire, to £5K+ months.  

I have built and grown Claire Hill Ltd and The Vivid Business Club, consistently generating 5-figure months.

I am about amplifying the shit out of what you're good at and working smarter, not harder.

Let me share my money-growing wisdom with you!

In this Business Boost to £5K Months, you will cover:

Want more support?  Upgrade to VIP!

For only £44, get four days of personalised coaching through voice notes and text messages, PLUS three bonus Q&A sessions.


🚀Clarity and Confidence: Understand exactly what steps to take next.

🚀Real Support: Feel heard and guided by me, who truly gets where you’re coming from.

🚀Quick Wins: Simple actions that fit your busy life and drive results

🚀Daily Accountability: Stay on track with expert support and motivation every step of the way. 

Immediate Feedback: Get answers to your questions in real-time so you can keep moving forward with confidence.


🚀 Day 1 - Tues 24th September at 11.15am (BST)

🚀 Day 2 - Wed 25th September at 11.15am (BST)

🚀 Day 3 - Thur 26th September at 11.15am (BST)

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